Our priority is the safety and well-being of our worshipers. We understand that screening and health checks are not a replacement for other protective measures such as social distancing, so we encourage all worshipers to self-screen prior to attending a service and not to enter the building if any of the following are true:
If you or anyone in your household has or has had any of these symptoms within the past 10 days, you should NOT come to church.
Fever above 100.4 ℉
Shortness of Breath
New Cough
Sore Throat
Difficulty Breathing
Loss of Taste or Smell
Diarrhea or Vomiting
If you or anyone in your household has been diagnosed with COVID-19, you should NOT come to church unless the quarantine period given by the doctor has expired.
If you have been directed to quarantine by the Health Department or a doctor, you should NOT come to church unless the quarantine period given by the doctor has expired.
Must enter the church using the front sanctuary door. The handicap entrance is located between the foyer and the Harrington Multipurpose Center (north side).
Will have temperatures taken at the door. You may not enter if you have a temperature higher than 100.4 ℉.
Hand sanitizer and face masks are available in various locations throughout the church.
Must wear face coverings at all times over the nose and mouth while in the building & on the church grounds.
Must sit in the designated areas and ONLY sit with people from your household.
Must immediately exit at the end of service using the east side door of the new sanctuary unless otherwise noted.
Will only use the designated restrooms (see ushers and staff for directions).
May NOT use the water fountains; bottled water is available if needed.
Tithes and Offerings can be left in baskets when exiting the Sanctuary (east side).
If you become COVID positive after attending service, you should immediately contact the church using this number (919) 903-4989 so that those who may have been exposed can be notified to quarantine. Future in-person services during the pandemic will depend on worshipers following these guidelines.
Lambert Chapel Missionary Baptist Church
510 Lambert Chapel Road
P.O. Box 734
Siler City, NC 27344
Church Tel: 919-742-5869
Pastor Contact Information:
Rev. Kevin L. Leake
Cell # 336-354-2103
Local # 984-276-0282
Email: que4christ@gmail.com
Rev. Franklin Seymore
Phone# 919-770-3713
Email: fseymoreunc@gmail.com